Periodontal gum disease treatment in San Diego comprises a number of oral health problems that affect the supporting structures of the teeth. These structures include the gums, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone.
The periodontal ligament is the tissue that attaches the tooth to the alveolar bone, while the alveolar bone is the bone that makes up the tooth socket.
In this article, we will discuss some forms of Periodontal Gum Disease, along with the recommended treatment for each.

Gingivitis is the early and most common form of periodontal disease. it will resolve by practicing good oral hygiene and going to your dentist regularly for professional cleaning.
Good oral hygiene means brushing properly at least twice a day, flossing, and using an alcohol-free mouthwash.
Periodontitis is the more advanced form of Periodontal Gum Disease that develops when gingivitis is left untreated for a very long time.
It occurs when plaque accumulates deep below the gum line, resulting in the destruction of the periodontal ligament and bone.
It is characterized by the bone destruction and separation of the gums from the teeth (forming what is known as a periodontal pocket) in addition to the classic signs of gingivitis. Gum recession and loosening of the affected teeth are also common.
Periodontitis may be classified into two main types: CHRONIC and AGGRESSIVE periodontitis. Chronic periodontitis, the more common of the two, is often seen in older patients.
Aggressive periodontitis, on the other hand, is the less common but more destructive form. It affects younger patients.
Periodontal gum disease causes
In this type of periodontitis, redness and swelling of the gums are not obvious, but the destruction underneath is occurring very rapidly. If left untreated, both forms result to tooth loss.
Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis is irreversible. This is possible through periodontal therapy in the form of scaling and root planning, which is more popularly known as deep cleaning.
Scaling and root planning is a more intensive form of treatment that involves the removal not just of plaque deposits, but of diseased tooth root structure as well. Root planning, in particular, results in a tooth root surface that is glassy smooth. This glassy smooth surface facilitates reattachment.
Scaling and root planning may be done through surgical and non-surgical means, with the latter being considered first. Surgical root planing is only considered when its non-surgical counterpart proves to be ineffective.
Necrotizing periodontal disease
It often affects individuals who are malnourished, diabetic, chronic smokers, and immunocompromised (ex. HIV-positive). This form of periodontal disease is extremely rare, and management involves consultation with a medical doctor before rendering treatment.
Treatment for periodontal gum disease involves scaling and root planing along with a prescription of antibiotics and medicated mouth rinse.
Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic diseases
This form of periodontitis, as the name suggests, is brought about by systemic diseases.
These include diabetes, respiratory disorders, and heart disease. Depending on the underlying disease, it may exhibit signs of chronic or aggressive periodontitis.
To treat this type of periodontal disease, the medical condition must be addressed first. Once the medical disease is controlled, your dentist will now be able to treat the periodontal gum disease with the same treatments used for chronic and aggressive periodontitis.