You’ve learned from our Previous articles that cancer treatment in San Diego puts a patient at risk for various oral complications but don’t worry we provided best oral surgery & root canals. You’ve also known that a dental visit prior to the scheduled treatment is a must if you want to prevent or at least minimize the severity of these complications. But you should know that as a patient, there’s also something you can do to take care of your mouth while undergoing treatment. Here are some of the top tips that you can follow:

Dry Mouth
You can take sugar-free candy or chew sugar-free gum. It is also advised that you rinse your mouth as often as you can with plain water. Avoid alcohol-containing mouth rinses. You may also opt for saliva substitutes. Ask your dentist about them.
Pain and Discomfort
Your dentist or physician will prescribe medications to help alleviate pain resulting from mouth sores. Be sure to follow the recommended dose and proper dosage times. You will also be advised to choose soft, smooth, and easy-to-swallow foods.
If your gums hurt and bleed during brushing or flossing, you may want to get a new toothbrush with soft bristles. Of if you already have one, you can also dip it in warm water to further soften its bristles. With regards to flossing, you can continue doing it as long you don’t floss the areas that are swollen and/or bleeding.
Sore Mouth and/or Throat
Make a warm saline rinse by adding ¼ teaspoon each of salt and baking soda to four cups of warm water. Swish around the mouth for about 30 seconds then spit out. Rinse with plain water.
Jaw Stiffness
Exercising your jaw muscles for a couple of minutes per day can help reduce this problem. Open and close your mouth as wide as you possibly can without discomfort. Repeat 15 to 20 times, three times a day.
Stir a ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water. Swish around your mouth for a couple of seconds before spitting it out. Avoid brushing your teeth right away; instead, rinse with plain water first.
Only your dentist or physician can address this problem, so you have to report to them immediately if you notice any bleeding, swelling, or presence of a white, sticky film on your mouth.
Tooth Decay
Your teeth tend to be more susceptible to tooth decay during cancer treatment due to decreased salivary flow. To reduce your risk of developing tooth decay, always brush your teeth after meals and at night before going to sleep. Your dentist may also recommend applying fluoride gel on your teeth to make them stronger more resistant to acid attacks by oral bacteria.
When to Call Your Dentist or Cancer Specialist
Take time to check your mouth each day to identify or detect any suspicious changes. Call your dentist and/or cancer specialist when a new problem appears, an old problem worsens, or even the mere presence of any suspicious findings.