Periodontal surgery pertains to an advanced periodontal disease treatment performed to regenerate and restore the normal form, contour, and function of periodontal structures that were damaged or lost due to periodontal gum disease.
The procedure is likewise considered a cosmetic dental procedure because it may also help improve the appearance of the patient’s smile. An understanding of periodontal surgery is important to achieve treatment success, and that’s what we will help you with.
In this article is an overview of the procedure – what it designed to do, how it is done, who it is for, what patients can expect after, and much more.

Why Periodontal Surgery is Done
Periodontal surgery is often done in patients with periodontitis. Periodontitis is an advanced form of periodontal gum disease characterized by the destruction of the supporting apparatus of the teeth.
Who Can Undergo Periodontal Surgery
Periodontal surgery is ideal for patients who are in good general health. As your dentist take your full medical history, be sure to mention all your health problems, allergy, and medications or supplements you’re taking if any.
Don’t hold back on information, so your dentist will know exactly whether or not it is advisable for you to undergo the procedure.
Usually, contraindications for the periodontal surgery include uncontrolled systemic conditions (i.e. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, immunodeficiency problems), smoking, blood thinning medications, and even uncontrolled periodontal disease. Uncontrolled systemic conditions and smoking cause problems in healing, while blood thinners put the patient at risk for excessive bleeding.
Uncontrolled periodontal gum disease, meanwhile, must be resolved first in order to have a relatively cleaner and more visible operative field. In addition, reduced inflammation makes the gum tissue to firmer and easier to incise and work on.
Types of Periodontal Surgery
Periodontal surgery is classified into three different categories – gingival surgery, mucogingival surgery, and osseous surgery. Gingival surgery, which most patients probably know as gum lift surgery, includes gingivectomy.
And gingivoplasty both of which are done to recontour the gum tissue and correct a gummy smile. These two are often performed together because they are practically the same. Mucogingival surgery, on the other hand, is done to cover tooth roots that were exposed due to gum recession.
Lastly, osseous surgery is done to correct bone defects that resulted from severe forms of periodontal gum disease. It reshapes the bone and restores it to its ideal form.
What to Expect After Periodontal Surgery
After the operation, you will feel some mild to moderate discomfort that lasts for about a day or two. This is can be managed by ibuprofen and other mild analgesics.
Antibiotics and antibacterial mouth rinses may also be recommended. However, if the sensitivity persists and/or becomes intolerable, consult your dentist. He or she may suggest application of fluoride varnish.
The risks mentioned above will be discussed to you by your dentist before periodontal surgery.
Alternatives to Periodontal Surgery
Periodontal surgery is often the last resort for treating advanced cases of periodontal gum disease. That is when the standard and less invasive non-surgical root planning is inadequate or has failed to produce the expected outcome.
Whether or not surgery is indicated depends on factors such as the type of periodontal gum disease you have and the extent of the destruction.
Rather, it paves way for other treatment to produce more favorable outcomes in the long run. There is still a tendency for the disease to recur, especially in susceptible individuals.
The goal of the surgery is to make the teeth stay in your mouth for as long as possible. And one way to ensure that you will achieve such a goal is to find a dentist that you can trust just like Dr. Safarian.