The way to improve your oral health is pretty simple and straightforward: brush, floss, eat healthily, do regular visits to your dentist
It doesn’t end there. Here are some tips weird dental tips for you.
They may sound crazy enough to leave you scratching your head at first, but we assure you – they do work! So, here it goes…

Don’t Brush Your Teeth After Eating
Contrary to what you always hear when you were a little kid, it is actually not advisable to brush your teeth right after meals.
Instead, you must wait for at least 30 minutes, or longer if you’ve just eaten acidic food and drinks.
The acids can dissolve or erode the tooth enamel, and brushing can actually wear it away much faster.
Use Banana Peel to Whiten Teeth
Done eating that banana? Don’t throw the peel yet.
You can still use it for whitening your teeth. Do so by rubbing the inside surface of the peel on your teeth for at least two minutes.
The peel contains magnesium, potassium, and other minerals which can penetrate your teeth to make them whiter. And unlike commercial whiteners, these minerals whiten the teeth without making your teeth sensitive.
Use Coconut Oil as Mouthwash
This newest health craze is more popularly known as “oil pulling”.
A detoxification procedure derived from Ayurvedic medicine, it involves putting a tablespoon of slightly hardened coconut oil in your mouth, allowing it to slowly liquefy, then swishing or gargling it for about 10 to 20 minutes before spitting it out.
Coconut oil has been proven to have numerous health benefits, one of which is its antimicrobial properties.
It can kill the decay-causing bacteria, as well as the bacteria that cause gum disease and oral infections.
If you don’t have coconut oil, olive oil or sesame oil will do.
Those who have tried oil pulling claim that their teeth become cleaner and whiter, and their breath fresher.
Whether or not such claims are true, there is no harm in trying this method as it won’t produce any negative effects on your health.
However, this may not be suitable in those with the sensitive gag reflex.
Rub Ice on Your Hand to Relieve A toothache
You’ve probably heard that rubbing ice on a sore muscle or joint provides relief, but using it on your teeth?
While it may sound unbelievable, there is actually a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that supports it.
According to such study, massaging ice on the area between the thumb and index finger relieves pain on the same side of the face by up to 50%.
It works because the cold temperature helps prevent pain signals from reaching the brain.
Eat Cheese to Prevent Tooth Decay
Your favorite dairy has been found to reduce the risk of dental caries.
Its gooey consistency works like a sticky tape that traps bacteria and food residues from the surface of the teeth.
More importantly, munching on a large wedge of cheese will help clean in-between your teeth as well.