On Tuesday I had a patient who told me, “I am not going back to my other dentist because I had to wait 2-3 hours as the dentist was seeing 4 patients in 4 different chairs at the same time”.
We have a rule in our office we make you wait more than 30 minutes we credit your account $50 no questions asked.
We can all understand things happen in an office but wait 2 hours?
I don’t blame the patient for wanting to go to another office do you?
Do you think this patient knows the name of his or her dentist?
Do you think this office will take the time to use an intra-oral camera to build a relationship with the patient?
We as dentists work for you and you deserve better. Over 90-95% of the time I work out of ONE chair seeing ONE patient at a time.
You have a choice on what type of office you want for yourself, family and friends.